Action of 7 February 1813 (event_921366)

rdfs:label Action of 7 February 1813 (en) wikipedia_en wikidata
dcterms:description Naval battle between France and Britain (en) wikidata
dcterms:description In the action of 7 February 1813 near the Îles de Los, the frigates Aréthuse and Amelia batter each other, but neither can gain the upper hand. (en) wikipedia_en
dcterms:description Action of 7 February 1813 – The French frigate Aréthuse (1812) and the British ship engage in battle in the Îles de Los on the Guinea Coast; both ships retire unbeaten. (en) wikipedia_en
dcterms:description Action of 7 February 1813, stalemate between two evenly matched frigates Aréthuse and HMS Amelia (en) wikipedia_en
dcterms:description During the night of 7 February 1813, two evenly matched frigates from the French Navy and the British Royal Navy, Aréthuse and, engaged in a battle in the Atlantic Ocean at the Îles de Los, off Guinea. (en) wikipedia_en
owl:sameAs dbr:Action_of_7_February_1813 dbpedia_en
owl:sameAs wd:Q12052728 wikidata
owl:sameAs yago:Action_of_7_February_1813 yago
rdf:type sem:Event event_kg
rdf:type dbo:MilitaryConflict (military conflict) event_kg dbpedia_en
sem:hasBeginTimeStamp 1813-02-07 dbpedia_en event_kg
sem:hasBeginTimeStamp 1813-01-01 yago wikidata
sem:hasEndTimeStamp 1813-02-07 dbpedia_en event_kg
sem:hasEndTimeStamp 1813-12-31 yago wikidata
eventkg-s:startUnitType time:unitYear wikidata yago
eventkg-s:startUnitType time:unitDay dbpedia_en event_kg
eventkg-s:endUnitType time:unitYear wikidata yago
eventkg-s:endUnitType time:unitDay event_kg dbpedia_en
so:latitude 9.3 wikidata event_kg
so:longitude -14.0 event_kg wikidata Action of 7 February 1813 (en) event_kg
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_11716886 (Atlantic Ocean) event_kg dbpedia_en
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_406894 (France) event_kg wikidata
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_5588123 (Îles de Los) yago wikidata event_kg dbpedia_en
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