First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube (event_513348)

rdfs:label First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube (en) wikidata wikipedia_en
dcterms:description 1814 battle during the War of the Sixth Coalition (en) wikidata
dcterms:description War of the Sixth Coalition – First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube: Two Austrian and Württemberger corps wage an inconclusive battle against the French Imperial Guard. (en) wikipedia_en
dcterms:description The First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube was fought during the War of the Sixth Coalition when Marshal Édouard Mortier, duc de Trévise's corps of French Imperial Guards defended against an Austrians corps under Ignaz Gyulai and a Württemberger corps led by Crown Prince Frederick William of Württemberg. (en) wikipedia_en
owl:sameAs dbr:First_Battle_of_Bar-sur-Aube dbpedia_en
owl:sameAs wd:Q23640818 wikidata
owl:sameAs yago:First_Battle_of_Bar-sur-Aube yago
rdf:type wd:Q178561 (battle) wikidata
rdf:type dbo:Activity (activity) event_kg
rdf:type sem:Event event_kg
rdf:type dbo:MilitaryConflict (military conflict) event_kg dbpedia_en
sem:hasBeginTimeStamp 1814-01-24 yago wikidata event_kg dbpedia_en
sem:hasEndTimeStamp 1814-01-24 yago event_kg wikidata dbpedia_en
eventkg-s:startUnitType time:unitDay yago dbpedia_en wikidata event_kg
eventkg-s:endUnitType time:unitDay wikidata event_kg dbpedia_en yago
so:latitude 48.2667 event_kg wikidata
so:longitude 4.71667 wikidata event_kg First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube (en) event_kg
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_13650065 (First French Empire) event_kg dbpedia_en
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_406894 (France) wikidata
sem:hasPlace eventkg-r:entity_6549567 (Bar-sur-Aube) event_kg dbpedia_en wikidata yago
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