Biographical Timeline Generation

Popular entities often possess hundreds of temporal relations within large-scale multilingual knowledge graphs.
We tackle the problem of providing an overview of relevant temporal information for an entity of user interest by the generation of biographical timelines using distant supervision methods.


EventKG+BT - Person Biography Timelines

Benchmark Description and Example

We adopted an automatic approach to generate our benchmark for biographical timelines. We have extracted entities and temporal relations contained in two biographical sources (Biographies: and, and Wikipedia abstracts) and mapped them to the temporal relations in EventKG using an automatic procedure involving source-specific heuristics. Temporal relations extracted from the biographical sources are considered relevant. More details about the benchmark and its generation can be found in our paper.

In our benchmark which can be downloaded below, each entry shows an entity, a relation and the relevance label per biographical source. In the following example, the fact that Sarah Paulson starred in "Jack & Jill" between 1999 and 2001 was rated as relevant timeline entry for Sarah Paulson extracted from biography websites.

Attribute Description Example Value
entity_label Label of the timeline entity in the English Wikipedia Sarah_Paulson
entity_id ID of the timeline entity in EventKG entity_3249241
property Property of the temporal relation in an external knowledge graph
connected_entity_label Label of the connected entity in the English Wikipedia Jack & Jill
connected_entity_id Label of the connected entity in the English Wikipedia entity_5536831
start_date Start date of the temporal relation 1999-09-26
end_date End date of the temporal relation 2001-04-15
bio_score Score in the "biography" source (0: irrelevant, 1: relevant) 1.0
wiki_score Score in the "Wikipedia abstract" source (0: irrelevant, 1: relevant) 0.0

Benchmark Download

Description Link Preview
Benchmark (two biographical sources: BIO, WIKI) benchmark.tsv ?

Cite as

   title={{EventKG - the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web - and Biographical Timeline Generation}},
   author={Gottschalk, Simon and Demidova, Elena},
   publisher={IOS Press},
   journal={Semantic Web Journal (SWJ)}

Demo Paper

   title={{EventKG+BT: Generation of Interactive Biography Timelines from a Knowledge Graph}},
   author={Gottschalk, Simon and Demidova, Elena},
   booktitle={Proceedings of the ESWC 2020 Satellite Events}